Welcome to the USA Ashihara Karate Federation
The Representatives of Ashihara Karate International
Ashihara Karate is considered to be one of the most practical karate systems today. It is a system based on Sabaki........ - the combination of defense and offence into one! Founded by the late Kancho Hideyuki Ashihara, the International Organisation is now led by Kaicho Hoosain Narker.
With branch representatives across the Continental USA, CLASSES, are for everyone interested in improving their health by losing weight, gaining muscle flexibility, speed, and endurance. And of course, learning self defense.
Ashihara Karate USA has branch representatives across the Continental USA and offers classes for everyone interested in learning authentic Japanese fighting karate!
Learn and train in a real muay thai camp in thailand, near Hua Hin
Please visit our sister site www.karyoga.com
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